Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Didenko Capital is dedicated to keeping the personal information that is provided safe when you sign up for this website. Our Privacy Policy will detail how we protect and handle the personal information that is collected about any individual that uses our services or website.

Use of Information

Didenko Capital takes the Data you give us in a way that is consistent with our Privacy Policy. If you give Data for a specified reason, we may use it in conjunction with the reason that you provided it. For example, if you contact Didenko Capital through email, we can use this Data you give us to resolve your problems or answer your questions. Furthermore, if you give Data in order to get access to our site and services, we will use this Data to give you access to these services while also monitoring your use of the services. We may also seek information about you through a third-party source in order to verify your identity, allowing us to properly process your requests while preventing fraud.

Didenko Capital will use your Data to market our services and products to you, to give products and services that you have requested, to let our contractors and vendors assist us when marketing, troubleshooting, analyzing or otherwise operating our site and services, to meet any requirements for the sale or offer of securities that are legally required, regulations and rules to our members and affiliates, to engage in other legal activities that we believe are consistent with the operation, and to get protection against any legal liability. We may give any of these services through the use of a third party, which may mean sharing your Data with the third parties.

Didenko Capital and its affiliates (the “Affiliated Companies”) might also use your Data in order to help improve the functionality and quality of the Site, so we can better understand those who use the site and improve upon our services. Didenko Capital and Affiliated Companies can use this info to talk to you regarding our services or to let you know about any services we think may interest you. If at any time you decide you do not want to receive any future marketing information or want to have your name taken out of our mailing lists, you can contact us to make this possible. Keep in mind that as a user of or services, we can send you any administrative communications that we believe are necessary. If Didenko Capital or any Affiliated Companies want to use your Data in any way that is not consistent with our Privacy Policy, we will inform you of this use beforehand or at the time when we are collecting this data.

Our Disclosure of Your Data and Other Information

We will share with third parties your personal information in only the manner that is described in the Privacy Policy. We think of this information as a crucial part of our relationship with each user of the Site. There are a few instances where we might share your Data with different third parties without telling you first. These instances will be outlined below:

  • Business transfers: While we continue to develop our business, we may need to buy or sell assets or businesses. In the event of a merger, corporate sale, dissolution, reorganization or any similar event, your Data may be part of what is transferred. In this case, you will be notified either with a prominent notice on our website or through an email of any ownership change or use of your personal information. This also includes any choices you have made in regards to your personal information.
  • Related companies: We can also share your Personal Data with Affiliate Companies for any reason that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.
  • Consultants, Agents and Related Third Parties: Didenko Capital, much like other businesses, will sometimes hire another company to take on certain tasks and services related to the business. An example of these services from companies, third parties or individuals can include financial/accreditation/credit verification, ID verification, electronic document signing, sending postal mail and email, payment storing and processing, escrow services, analyzing data, disbursement of funds, giving marketing assistance or giving customer service. These third parties, individuals or companies might have access to your Personal Data. These companies have the authorization to use this personal information in only ways that are necessary for providing these services.
  • Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Didenko Capital may give your Data if we are required to do so by law or in the belief that such action is necessary to comply with a regulatory or legal obligation, or defend and protect the property or rights of Didenko Capital. Other circumstances include urgent ones that we need to protect the personal safety of those who use our site or to protect the public against harm or fraud. Finally, it is used to protect against legal liabilities.

Your Choices

If your personal information should change, or if you no longer want to use our service, you can update, correct, delete, amend or request deletion by making this change in your registered account settings page, by contacting us through the contact information listed on the site or by emailing Customer Support. We will keep your information for as long as you keep your account active, or as needed in order to provide you with our services. We will use and keep this information as is necessary in order to comply with regulatory and legal obligations, enforce our agreements or resolve disputes.

When you sign up for these services, we might send you emails periodically regarding our services or in an effort to tell you about any services we think would be of interest to you. If you would rather not receive these promotional or marketing emails, you can unsubscribe entirely by emailing us. Keep in mind that an opt-out request can take up to two weeks to be processed. Please also bear in mind that sometimes we might need to send you emails that are transactional, such as termination announcements, payment confirmations and other similar instances that you are unable to opt-out of.

Didenko Capital will not and does not sell any of your Personally Identifiable Information for the purpose of soliciting, advertising or telemarketing.


This Privacy Policy does not include any Data that is collected by Didenko Capital outside of the Data that is collected through our Site. This Privacy Policy will not apply to any information that you provide to Didenko Capital unsolicited either through this site or through any other means. This includes but is not limited to information submitted to public areas of the Site, any ideas for new products or changes to be made to existing products, or other unsolicited submissions. All of this Unsolicited Information may be decided to be non-confidential, and Didenko Capital can use, reproduce, disclose, exploit or distribute the Unsolicited Information without attribution or limitation.


We take reasonable actions to secure access to Personally Identifiable Information that is in our possession, but Didenko Capital is not liable for any failure to keep this information safe, whether it is inadvertent or otherwise. Personally Identifiable Information will also be stored with third parties who have told us they too use reasonable efforts to keep Personally Identifiable Information safe, but we are not responsible for any third party’s failures to safeguard this information.

We protect the safety of your information through transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts the information that is sent. Wherever it is appropriate, we will encrypt information in our systems or while transferring the information. No method of transmission through the internet or any manner of electronic storage is absolutely secure. Because of this, Didenko Capital cannot guarantee total security.

It is important that you protect against any unauthorized access to information such as your password. Make sure you sign off if you are using a shared computer.

Site and Content Not Warranted

The Site and its Content are provided “as is” and come without a warranty of any kind. You are responsible for any risk associated with the use of this Site, including without limitation, the reliability of the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of any content that is found on the website. Didenko Capital and its officers, employees, directors, agents, partners, suppliers, representatives or service providers disclaim any warranty, implied or express, including without limitation any warranty of non-infringement, title, completeness, accuracy, merchantability, usefulness or fitness for a particular use. This includes warranties that may come up from dealing or performance or usage or trade.

Third Party Linked Sites

Didenko Capital, as a convenience to you, may give you hyperlinks to websites that are run by a third party. When you click these hyperlinks, you will leave the Didenko Capital Site. Since Didenko Capital has no control over these other sites or their content, Didenko Capital is not responsible for any availability of these external sites and content. Didenko Capital does not endorse or adopt nor is it responsible or liable for the content of the sites. This includes advertising materials and products on or available by way of these sites and resources. Other sites may bring links to the Didenko Capital Site or Content regardless of whether we have authorized it or not. Didenko Capital does not endorse these sites and is not responsible or liable for any of the links that come from these sites and link to our Site. We are also not liable for any advertising, content, products or any other materials that are available through the other sites, or any damages and losses through them. Didenko Capital may, in its discretion, choose to block links to the Content and Site without any notice.

Your use of third party content and sites, including without limitation any use of data, information, products, advertising, products or other such material available through or on such sites, is done at your own risk and is therefore subject to the third party’s terms of use.

Use of Cookies

Didenko Capital’s Site takes advantage of different technology to store, collect and aggregate data regarding the usage of the website. We might use electronic tags that are known as “cookies,” which help us analyze and understand the use of our site. This work will either be done directly by Didenko Capital or through a third party that we have hired to help. We collect information about which pages you access and the length of time you spend on them as well as the country that the user is accessing the site from. We also collect certain technical information about the operating system and computer of the user, such as the domain name, browser, internet protocol address and more.

Certain portions of Didenko Capital’s site will require cookies to be turned on in order to enhance the performance of the site. Cookies offer us a secure manner of verification of the user’s identity while using the site as well as any returns to the site. They help us personalize the user’s experience on our site and make it easier to navigate while assisting us in understanding how users use our site.

When a user arrives at the website, the cookie is sent to the user’s computer. Cookies do not identify the user personally but instead recognize the browser being used. Usually, personally identifiable information is taken by us only when the user has provided it, such as when requesting information through email or giving us personal information.

We use two types of cookies on the site: persistent cookies and temporary cookies. Persistent cookies are used to keep information stored between site visits and are stored for a set period of time or permanently. Persistent cookies will be used to make the site easier to navigate while making it more convenient for users. Temporary cookies will be used to store information only during the browser session and will expire soon after the visit has concluded.

A user can opt for their computer to give them a warning whenever a cookie is sent, or they can turn off all cookies. Cookie management is usually done through the browser settings of the user. To get more information about cookies and managing them, visit

Social Media Features

Our Site may have social media features such as Twitter share buttons or the Facebook “Like” button. These interactive mini-programs might collect the pages you visit on the site as well as your IP address and could set a cookie to enable the feature to work properly. Social media widgets and features are hosted either by a third party or directly on our site. Interactions with these features fall under the same governance of the privacy policy of the company that provides it.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

In our sole discretion, we reserve the right to modify, add, change or remove sections of the Policy at any time. These changes or updates are effective immediately after posting them on our site. You should look at this notice occasionally to make sure of any changes that have occurred. You can do this at a glance by checking the Effective Date below. Continuing to use our site after the posting of any changes to the Privacy Policy indicates that you accept these changes.

Effective Date of this Privacy Policy
February 2, 2023

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